
We reserve the right to discontinue any student’s enrollment – for uneasiness, behavioral issues, verbal/written harassment, threatening remarks to teachers, noncompliance with Twice as Nice Music Academy LLC policies and procedures, teacher safety concerns, etc… at Twice as Nice Music Academy LLC’s sole discretion. No refunds.

A 60 days notice to cancel lessons is required with no exception. If the student is not able to enjoy those lessons, the total amount of this two months tuition must be paid in full in advance (with cancelation notice).

In order to abandon lessons and void this contract, the student/parent/guardian must fill out and return the Termination Contract form by the end of the month, before the tuition expires; (NOTE: the only notice of contract termination is the form. Any other communication will be considered as it) otherwise the upcoming months will be charged among other fees that may apply. This form is a commitment of paying any of the termination expenses, as well as the 60 days notice..

If you wish a copy of the whole document, please email us at twiceasnicemusicacademy@gmail.com